Monday, 26 November 2012

If you love something, set it free.

When I set out on the road to Nashville a year or so ago, I reckoned I’d meet some people, make some friends, eventually get introduced to someone by someone by someone who liked my songs after hearing me play them in a bar or by passing along a CD or MP3. I didn't think it'd happen in a year of traveling back and forth, but I thought it would eventually happen that way, and I should keep the songs close to my chest until that someone came along.

I’ve been reluctant/afraid to post the songs on the internet for anybody to hear. My thinking was that one of the existing songs will be the one to get things rolling – but that an artist might not be interested if the song is already kicking around out there on the ol’ internet. I just thought they’d be less likely to want to put their stamp on it, if it already had somebody else’s on it, even little ol' me.

On the other side of the coin, which has only recently come into focus, I’ve been thinking that my objective should shift form trying to physically meet someone who’ll agree to listen to the songs, to just letting the current songs free to be heard by any pair of ears and to eventually find the right pair that’ll want to hear more. So, rather than expecting any of the existing songs to get picked up and recorded, I'm shifting my mindset to the hope that they’ll spark some curiosity and help get me into a writing situation where I can create the song that does become the first successful single.

So that’s what’s been stewing for a while. Long enough, I s’pose. A friend once told me to “take more risks” and “know that you will never run out of ideas.” That advice has been bouncing around a lot in my head these days as I’ve been working up the nerve to do this... nudge open the cage door.

This one’s called "Say You Love Me, That’s All":

Say You Love Me That's All by MichaelLake

That’s Nathan Smith on the violin.

Hope you like it.

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